Resort Waterrijk Oesterdam
Complaints procedure Waterrijk Oesterdam

Complaint procedure

Complaints procedure at Oesterdam Resort

During your stay at Oesterdam Resort, we would like to give you the ultimate Oesterdam feeling. We are happy to offer you the best service so that you will lack nothing. It is of course possible that not everything goes as you would like. We are happy to find out what went wrong and how to make sure it is resolved as soon as possible.

Are you not completely satisfied with your stay despite the care and effort of Oesterdam Resort? Then you can choose to report this. In order to provide you with the best possible service, we ask you to follow the complaints procedure below.

Step 1: Report your complaint to the reception

Your complaint must initially be reported at the reception of the resort at the time of your stay. This allows us to offer you the opportunity to resolve the complaint or problem on the spot.

If your complaint is not handled satisfactorily, you can submit your complaint within 1 month after departure in step 2.

Step 2: Submit a complaint

Despite the efforts of our on-site staff at the resort, your complaint may not be handled as desired. Is this the case? Then you can submit your complaint in writing here. You must submit your complaint within 1 month after departure from the resort. We regret that complaints that are more than 1 month ago cannot be processed.

We would like to ask you to fill in the form below as detailed and correct as possible, so that we can help you as best we can. Your complaint will be handled with the utmost care and attention.

Contact details

Information about your booking


About your complaint

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